The recent exhibition, “Prospectors: Alex Thullen & Matt Fiske” opened in December 2017 at the Companion Gallery in Humboldt, Tennessee. This show represented the culmination of a major shift in Thullen’s work over the last year.
On Thursday, July 13, Savannah, Georgia’s LGBT community celebrated the grand opening of the Savannah LGBT Center. With estimates of between 10,000 to 16,000 people identifying as LGBT in a city of about 146,000, it’s been a long time coming.
Eureka Spring’s Zeek Taylor is a trailblazing Hintergay. Without trailblazers like Marsha P. Johnson, Larry Kramer and Ellen DeGeneres, where would the LGBT community be? People willing to stand up for things, like basic human rights, are the cornerstones of our community.
Without thinking about it, I blurted out: “Instead of working for the weekends, how about we make the weekends our life?”
By December 7, San Diego resident Makana Rowan had reached his boiling point. That night, he opened up his computer to Facebook and launched into a stream-of-consciousness rant. “I was struck by how personally I took the results of the election.” He remembers. He had to get it out:
Celebrities like Laverne Cox, Chaz Bono and Caitlyn, have brought the transgender community into the spotlight in recent years. Despite this newfound exposure, many lesbians, gay men and bisexuals still misunderstand their transgendered brothers and sisters. The result often leads to feelings of ostracism and rejection.
When Lady Gaga appeared, on the edge of glory, on the Super Bowl LI half-time stage, her glittery outfit and powerful voice hit home with fans in the stadium and throughout the world. She began with an American theme many pundits have called political commentary on the current presidential administration, and then transitioned into a stream of fan favorites including Born This Way.
It’s fall again, so say “goodbye, superheroes” and “hello, Sundance favorites!” Leading this year’s pack is Choke, a dark comedy that wades elbow-deep in indie-friendly themes like alienation and sex addiction.
When Derek Che, a LA-based media consultant, ran into his ex-boyfriend last year, he felt a knot in his stomach.
Good news — since 1955 the number of deaths from cervical cancer has dropped by 74 percent. The primary reason for this is early detection. Bad news — in the borough of Queens, rates for early detection are much lower than the national average.